What is Friends of Asheville Muni 

Friends of Asheville Muni is a 501(c)3 organization with it’s mission to be a fundraising partner for Asheville’s Municipal golf course, supporting the restoration of the course and on-going initiatives that support and encourage the rich legacy of golf at Muni as a course that is accessible, affordable and enjoyable for everyone.

We do this by:

●      Collaborating closely with course management and the City of Asheville to identify critical needs of the course and community.

●      Raise funds through individual gifts, grants, endowments etc. to address the course's needs through focused projects.

●      Listening to our community of golfers and neighbors, representing their wishes for the operation and future of this historic resource.

●      Fund projects that benefit the golf course and the community it serves.

●      Partnering with the course management and other nonprofits, businesses and organizations to utilize, enjoy, enhance and preserve Muni.